Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Graphics #1

This a digital version of a graphic I did in 1969.
More of my stuff every now and then. In the
meantime, click on over to my website,

The Airbrush Museum

It's about the troops not the war.

This country needs to do much more for our returning troops. I abhor the war and what is being done to the men that have been there. Phil Ochs said, "It's always the old who lead us to the war, it's always the young who die." Bush, Cheney and Co. should be ashamed of what they have caused. Cheney's "Quagmire" video The Untold Story of the Cheney 'Quagmire' Video

Dignity, Here's a Clue George!

Dignity! That’s the word that that George Bush (aka "The Smirking Chimp" thinks is ambiguous in the Geneva Accords. Well George, here’s a simple acid test. If you wouldn’t let someone do it to you in front of your closest friends and family, you can’t do it to prisoners of war. Pretty simple, huh?

While we're at it, why do we have female guards in with the male prisoners in Iraq? Given that we are guests, it seems to me that it's not very culturally sensitive to give women power over men in an Isalamic country. I don't agree with the Muslim attitude towards females but when in Rome...

The ChickenHawks

Let's cut to the chase~ If the Republicans called Bill Clinton a draft dodger, what the hell do you call Dick Cheney ("Had other priorities"), Trent Lott (Served instead as a college cheerleader), Tom DeLay(Claimed there was no room for patriotic folks like himself because minorities had taken up all the slots), Rush Limbaugh(Had anal cysts), Paul Wolfowitz, or John Ashcroft? Chickenhawks all or maybe Arnold, the Governator of Kaleefournya, had a better term "Girlie-Men!"